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Thursday, April 1, 2010


The world we live in today is ever evolving, becoming more complex in maintaining our economic status, and our simple will be happy.

I ask the question, "How did you pay it forward today" because the only way we can survive the challenges of today is to put in practice the wisdom that was used yesterday.

In the time of the Great Depression of the 1930's the bottom line is: They did the best they could with what they had. Neighbors pitched in, everyone was in the same position. Kids & husbands ate what was available, moms & grandmoms did without.

So many of us don't want to ask for help, don't feel that we can be helped because our needs are so great. However I want to encourage you to put your pride aside, accept the help and then "Pay It Forward". Because 9-10 times there will be someone just like you in a similar position feeling the same and in need of help.

Help can come in many forms. Remember when someone helped you? Here is a few ideas how you can "Pay It Forward" :

If you are a Coupon Queen, take 2 hours out of your day, invite them to go Grocery shopping with you and give them coupons to show them how they can save.

If you can go through your pantry and get a few things out that will fill up a grocery bag do that and deliver them to that neighbor you know is struggling

If you have a job and can give a gift card (gas card, walmart, harris teeter) for $10-25.00 you would be surprised how much that will help the couple that can't feed their children.

Most people don't know who to help because they avoid these type of conversations. Start tomorrow, talk with someone you wouldn't normally talk with, share a word of encouragement, be a mentor, go on a walk with a friend, watch and see if you won't be the richer for it!

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