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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Truth About Hiring - Industries Still Doing Well

Welcome Back!

As most of you may know by now the "Truth about Hiring" right now is that quite a few companies are not hiring right now. Whether the company financials last year were positive or negative, the sense of economic terror is still in the air. I wanted to share with you some truths about industries that are not only hiring but doing well.

Despite our country's current economy there are still some companies and organizations that had a great Q4 and are hiring in Q1.

When crisis comes what do people do? 1) the worry, 2) the start to panic, 3) then they get desperate and 4) make life changing decisions. Well there are tons of folks out there that know this and are counting on it.

Industries that are doing well are:

Food Industry
Studies have shown that during hard times, people tend to worry about how their families are going to eat, so they by their food in bulk.

Retail - Fashion
You know the old saying, "presentation is everything". When you are feeling down or bad about oneself you fix yourself up and you'll feel better. Cosmetics, beauty salons, local beauty supply stores, barber shops are making a killing.

Retail - Gaming and Movies
Parents are trying to find inexpensive ways to stay at home, save money and keep their kids entertain. In addition to the new family Wii craze, Redbox is doing well with their $1 DVD rentals

Higher Education - Universities and Accelerated trade schools
Many people that are being laid off have been in their jobs or profession for years, I've hear the statement, "This is all I know how to do" more than once. For those who didn't graduate college, their going back, or for those who don't have certifications they are going after these things to help them become more marketable. Look to the local university, community college or trade school in your area.

Healthcare - Biomedical, Pharmaceutical, Research
Even though technology industries are treading water as the economy debris clears, if you have a technical position do some research on the leading industries. Companies like Pfizer, Glaxo they are still hiring.

For open job postings I'm working on look at:

These are just a few industries that are hiring! For more information on Industries doing well look at the related articles below:

Related articles:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

We All Need Each Other Too Survive

Happy New Year! Some won't believe that it will be, but I'm optimistic! I believe that our economy may be changing rapidly for the worst but that doesn't mean that WE can't make some swift moves to help ourselves.

I recently heard a 91 year old man stand before a crowd of 2000 or more people and tell us how he and his family survived the "Great Depression" of the 30's; and he summed it up with four words - "We helped Each Other".

What a concept. I recently sent out a few Happy New Year salutations on one of my social networks, and boy did I get a great response! I mean I heard from Engineers, Developers, Architects, Project Managers, Business Analyst and the list went on.

Being currently unemployed for the past couple of months has caused me to be out of touch with my colleagues and network.

I was amazed at just how many awesome people I know. Some folks wished me and my family the best throughout the holidays, some inquired about jobs opportunities, some asked me how my job search was coming along. It dawned on me that the way we survive the economy is for me to help others and others to help me.

I want to encourage you to talk, I mean really talk to your network you might be surprised at what you can get help with and visa versa. Don't take your network for granted, we all need each other to survive.

If you are in a position to help someone please do so, ask them how are they "surviving the current economy" you just might be able to lend a hand.

Remember, it could be you tomorrow that requires help from another.